'She Shoots Film...
a print publication exploring life through the female gaze.'
She Shoots film is an independently published magazine that features film photography by women. The magazine is based in my hometown of Melbourne, Australia, is printed on beautiful paper stock in Berlin, Germany & is sold all over the world.
'She Shoots Film is a global group of women that use She Shoots Film as a platform to encourage, support and draw attention to emerging and seasoned film photographers that make with a woman's eye.'
'Metamorphosis' is the theme of issue N˚3 & will feature the work of 14 women photographers from around the world... no digital, just beautiful & thoughtful analogue images.
Issue N˚3 launches in December & I'm humbled that some of my photographs have been selected. If you pre-order a copy (& some for gifts :) you'll support She Shoots Film fund their project campaign so Issue #3 can go to print. The magazine is run by a very small team of creative women who rely on the support of readers who love film photography & the arts as much as they do.
When you order a copy of Metamorphosis, for yourself or a loved one, it will ship directly from the amazing printers in Berlin straight to your doorstep. And by pre-ordering a copy you'll be helping 14 women photographers get their images out in the universe.
Pre-ordering campaign ends Sept 17
Visit the project page here & the She Shoots Film website here
{ image courtesy She Shoots Film }